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News Conference

Nov 11th, 2013

Media Advisory            Who: Devon Anderson, Harris County District Attorney            What: Announcement of Animal Cruelty Initiative & Update on “The Crosby Puppy Massacre”            Where: In Crosby – Directions (Type in your starting location and the news conference will be on the “Unknown road”)            *In case of bad weather, we will move the news conference to a community center at 409 ...  read more ...
    Media Advisory Crosby.docx

No Refusal on Halloween Weekend

Oct 30th, 2013

District Attorney Devon Anderson announced today that her office will have extra prosecutors on duty to assist area police in the enforcement of DWI no refusal laws this Halloween weekend. Additional prosecutors will be working to file cases on arrested intoxicated drivers on Thursday October 31st through the morning of November 3rd.            “Our office wants everyone to enjoy Halloween, but we ...  read more ...
    News Release Halloween No Refusal.docx

Defendants Graduate from FMHC

Oct 17th, 2013

Today District Attorney Devon Anderson will participate in the first Harris County Felony Mental Health Court graduation. The specialty court program offers intensive treatment, goals, and supervision to mentally ill defendants instead of jail time.            The District Attorney’s Office works together with the Harris County District Court Administration, Public Defender’s Office, Probation Depar ...  read more ...
    News Release Defendants Graduate FMHC.docx

News Release

Oct 7th, 2013

District Attorney Devon Anderson today warned the public about an international extortion scam that is now targeting Harris County residents. Criminals posing as DEA agents are calling people who have previously purchased prescription drugs or herbal supplements over the internet. The caller tells the targeted victim that purchasing drugs on-line is illegal and they will need to pay a “fine”.       ...  read more ...
    News Release Scam.docx

Media Availability

Sep 25th, 2013

Media Availability            Who: Devon Anderson, Harris County District Attorney            What: Announcement of recently appointed Harris County District Attorney            Where: Harris County District Attorney’s Office- 6th Floor Conference Room      1201 Franklin Street      Houston, TX 77002            When: Thursday September 26th, 2013 3:00PM                  For more information:      Jeff ...  read more ...
    Media Availability.docx

Media Availability

Sep 23rd, 2013

Media Availability      At the beginning of each three-month grand jury term, Harris County grand jurors are given the opportunity to receive briefing from Harris County prosecutors on legal justifications for use of force. Each of the grand juries are also given the opportunity to observe and/or participate in the same shoot/no shoot simulations used to train police officers on the Harris County ...  read more ...

ADA Recognized for Human Trafficking Efforts

Sep 17th, 2013

Acting District Attorney Belinda Hill announced today Assistant District Attorney Ann Johnson will address human trafficking issues at the national level as a speaker at the 43rd annual Congressional Black Caucus’ Legislative Conference. Johnson, who specializes in investigating and prosecuting human trafficking crimes in Houston, will be a panelist at the four-day conference in Washington, D.C. ...  read more ...
    News release ann johnson.docx

Memorial Service for Mike Anderson

Sep 3rd, 2013

Attached is information for the media regarding the Memorial Service for Harris County District Attorney Mike Anderson. Let us know if you need any additional information.      Jeff McShan      HCDAO PIO ...  read more ...
    Press release from HCDAO.doc

HCDAO Press Release

Aug 31st, 2013

Thank you for the kind words this morning. Beyond the attached release we will not be making any further comments today.            Jeff            Jeff McShan      Public Relations/PIO      The Harris County District Attorney's Office      1201 Franklin - 6th Floor      Houston, Texas 77002            832-317-1067 wrk/cell      mcshan_jeff@dao.hctx.net       ...  read more ...
    HCDAO Press Release 8-31-2013 -.doc

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